

13:18 Ticket #1488 (Annoying `invalid bencoding of tracker response: ""') created by ras
This annoying error, `invalid bencoding of tracker response: ""', I …


18:22 Ticket #1487 (Detect if downloaded torrent's data has been deleted from filesystem) updated by Calum
Version, Milestone changed
I thought there was a ticket for this already. It has been discussed …
17:33 Ticket #1487 (Detect if downloaded torrent's data has been deleted from filesystem) created by Dema
If I delete data of completed torrent by hand( i.e. through nautilus), …
14:18 Ticket #1486 (network: listen ports) updated by vovo4ka
Cc changed
14:16 Ticket #1486 (network: listen ports) created by vovo4ka
if you declare ports to listen and ports to connect , deluge will use …
14:09 Ticket #1485 (network: listen interface) created by vovo4ka
if you declare interface to listen, deluge will not listen ports at …
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