

17:43 Ticket #1548 (Slightly change CLI argument processing) updated by Calum
Priority, Version changed
You should be still able to quote the file with the single quote ' …
17:22 Ticket #1549 (Allow for arbitrary protocols in "add") updated by Calum
Milestone changed
17:20 Ticket #1550 (Crash on passing a command line parameter) updated by Calum
Type, Component changed
I cannot repeat on my Ubuntu, what is your language set to? Could …
16:52 Ticket #1542 (Deluge webUI don't save some preferences) closed by Calum
duplicate: See #1370
16:47 Ticket #1246 (With every restart deluge loses some torrent label's) updated by Calum
Please describe exactly how we can repeat this. Including the label …
13:38 Ticket #1550 (Crash on passing a command line parameter) created by shnurapet
[…] This is git master build as of today.
12:39 Ticket #1517 (Isohunt urls not loading) updated by al.cadd9
Keywords changed
This issue could be resolved using GIO as a fallback. This patch …
12:32 Ticket #1549 (Allow for arbitrary protocols in "add") updated by mathbr
Replying to mathbr: > The "add" command should allow for …
11:54 deluge-console-add-gio.patch attached to Ticket #1549 by mathbr
Use Gio to process the file argument
11:52 Ticket #1549 (Allow for arbitrary protocols in "add") created by mathbr
The "add" command should allow for arbitrary protocols to enable usage …
11:18 deluge-console-command-argument-processing.patch attached to Ticket #1548 by mathbr
Slightly tweak command arguments processing
11:17 Ticket #1548 (Slightly change CLI argument processing) created by mathbr
Deluge-console accepts commands as CLI arguments. However commands …
00:24 Ticket #1531 (gtk ui not working after upgrade) updated by IA
I also have this problem Server is 1.3.1 on gentoo ~x86, client - …
00:23 Ticket #1246 (With every restart deluge loses some torrent label's) reopened by simonbcn
It isn't fixed. Deluge 1.3.1 installed from tarball. Same …


19:25 Changeset [b9fdb5] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Update translation template files
18:52 Ticket #1546 (Deluge man pages) closed by Calum
duplicate: duplicate of #1389
18:52 Ticket #1389 ("setup.py install" puts icons and .desktop file into wrong place under ...) updated by Calum
I think that missing man pages can be added to this list
18:48 Ticket #1545 (Wrong tray icon) closed by Calum
duplicate: this is a duplicate of #1389
18:48 Ticket #1389 ("setup.py install" puts icons and .desktop file into wrong place under ...) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
18:48 Ticket #1547 (Installing from sources: it doesn't creates menus entries) closed by Calum
duplicate: this is a duplicate of #1389
18:41 Ticket #1545 (Wrong tray icon) updated by Calum
Status changed
well the test active port uses standard gtk icons so it suggests a …
17:09 Ticket #1544 (Impossible to start webUI plugin with deluged) updated by simonbcn
Ok, the problem happens if I activate this from deluge-web: it doesn't …
16:55 Ticket #1544 (Impossible to start webUI plugin with deluged) reopened by simonbcn
I forgot to say that I opened deluge-web to configure deluged and …
16:53 Ticket #1547 (Installing from sources: it doesn't creates menus entries) updated by simonbcn
Status changed
tarball. Menu of gnome.
15:38 Ticket #1544 (Impossible to start webUI plugin with deluged) closed by Calum
invalid: deluge-web is the alternative standalone program for the webui plugin. …
15:27 Ticket #1547 (Installing from sources: it doesn't creates menus entries) updated by Calum
Status, Type changed
Please stop creating ticket after ticket. There is a forum to …
14:05 Ticket #1547 (Installing from sources: it doesn't creates menus entries) created by simonbcn
Ubuntu 10.04. I've installed from sources but the menus entries …
13:45 Ticket #1546 (Deluge man pages) created by simonbcn
Installing deluge from sources isn't installing the man pages.
13:39 Ticket #1545 (Wrong tray icon) updated by simonbcn
This icon too: …
13:37 Ticket #1545 (Wrong tray icon) created by simonbcn
I've installed deluge from sources, when I execute deluge-gtk, the …
13:07 Ticket #1544 (Impossible to start webUI plugin with deluged) created by simonbcn
I start deluged + deluge-web. I active the webUI plugin (from …
12:59 Ticket #1543 (Plugin label/webUI: where I can configure it in webUI?) updated by simonbcn
In deluge-web log file says this: […]
12:58 Ticket #1543 (Plugin label/webUI: where I can configure it in webUI?) updated by simonbcn
I forgot to say the browser version: Firefox 3.6.13
12:57 Ticket #1543 (Plugin label/webUI: where I can configure it in webUI?) created by simonbcn
deluged + deluge-web I active the Label and webUI plugin, but I …
12:40 Ticket #1542 (Deluge webUI don't save some preferences) created by simonbcn
deluged + deluge-web in server. I connect remotely and I try to …
12:32 Ticket #1278 ("Move storage" in deluge-gtk doesn't work) updated by s0undt3ch
Milestone changed
Replying to Cas: > I think this is a pygtk problem, maybe …
11:14 Ticket #1538 (AppIndicator breaks trayicon) updated by s0undt3ch
Replying to s0undt3ch: > Replying to Cas: > …
11:14 Ticket #1538 (AppIndicator breaks trayicon) updated by s0undt3ch
Replying to Cas: > After a little research I found that …
00:23 Ticket #1541 ([Label] Default label option) created by renato
Add the option in the Label plugin for a label to be the default …
00:21 Ticket #1540 (Check duplicate torrents) created by renato
Check in the save backup .torrent directory if the torrent has …
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