

22:42 Ticket #1380 ([Scheduler] web UI Interface) updated by Calum
Summary, Component, Milestone changed
20:25 Ticket #1380 ([Scheduler] web UI Interface) updated by wump
This patch applies cleanly and the web UI is very nice and useful, …
16:15 Changeset [2193240]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Nick Lanham <nick@afternight.org>
update help for legacy mode
16:14 Changeset [e43c53]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Nick Lanham <nick@afternight.org>
remove screen.py all functionality has been moved elsewhere at this point
16:12 Changeset [930add]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Nick Lanham <nick@afternight.org>
add 'legacy' mode, which is basically just the old deluge-console, for …
15:35 Ticket #1349 (deluge-gtk side panel drawn incorrectly when using specific GTK+ themes) updated by Calum
Priority, Component, Version, Type, Milestone changed
11:16 deluge.png attached to Ticket #1349 by bcroq
screenshot of 1.3.1-1ubuntu1 with the "Xfce" theme
11:15 Ticket #1349 (deluge-gtk side panel drawn incorrectly when using specific GTK+ themes) reopened by bcroq
I still get the problem using deluge-1.3.1-1ubuntu1 on xubuntu natty, …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.