

19:16 Ticket #1603 (Deluge hash checking external drive when starting) closed by Calum
duplicate: If the drive available as normal, it is odd that it would hash check. …
11:38 Changeset [e81a27]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Nick Lanham <nick@afternight.org>
fix naming issue with close callback in popups
11:35 Ticket #1581 (Provide a way to disable usage of the application indicator interface) updated by nick
Okay, uploaded a patch with a positive option that defaults the option …
11:31 enable_appindicator_patch.patch attached to Ticket #1581 by nick
Add 'enable application indicator' option to gtkui. Defaults to false.
09:00 Ticket #1603 (Deluge hash checking external drive when starting) created by glh5
I have a headless daemon set up on my local laptop. I have a 1 TB …


23:59 Ticket #1602 ([Ubuntu Natty 11.04] Deluge freezes when attempting to close About ...) created by Calum
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/deluge/+bug/733679 From …
16:40 Ticket #1581 (Provide a way to disable usage of the application indicator interface) updated by nick
Sounds reasonable. I'll see about switching up the patch so it's a …
16:35 Ticket #1581 (Provide a way to disable usage of the application indicator interface) updated by andar
Yes, this was exactly my thoughts. Ubuntu can simply patch the …
10:35 Ticket #1581 (Provide a way to disable usage of the application indicator interface) updated by Damien Churchill
Debian packages have the power to patch, so I'm sure they can flip the …
01:19 Ticket #1581 (Provide a way to disable usage of the application indicator interface) updated by Calum
I also thought about this but would mean the icon was actually missing …
01:00 Ticket #1581 (Provide a way to disable usage of the application indicator interface) updated by andar
I think it would better to make this option "Enable Application …
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