

19:10 Ticket #1624 ([win32] 'Add Torrent' does not close when adding a large number of torrents) updated by Calum
Please specify the version of Deluge and the operating system being used.
17:55 Ticket #1624 ([win32] 'Add Torrent' does not close when adding a large number of torrents) created by WillyWolly
When adding a large number of torrents (50 or so) via the 'Add …
01:47 Ticket #1614 (autoadd will match a directory called "torrent") updated by heissfuss
The attached patch works. Thanks.


14:15 Ticket #1614 (autoadd will match a directory called "torrent") updated by Calum
Milestone changed
12:36 Ticket #1614 (autoadd will match a directory called "torrent") updated by John Garland
Nice find! Would you be able to test the patch I've attached? If it …
12:35 autoadd.py.patch attached to Ticket #1614 by John Garland
autoadd.py patch
04:27 Ticket #1614 (autoadd will match a directory called "torrent") updated by heissfuss
Type changed
04:25 Ticket #1614 (autoadd will match a directory called "torrent") created by heissfuss
core/autoadd.py 76 for filename in …
00:16 Changeset [67add9]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Apply patch from #1581 to add an option to enable the app indicator …
00:16 Changeset [884bfd] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Apply patch from #1581 to add an option to enable the app indicator …
00:15 Ticket #1581 (Provide a way to disable usage of the application indicator interface) closed by andar
fixed: Committed. Thanks!
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.