

11:54 Changeset [42e1e2]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Pedro Algarvio <ufs@ufsoft.org>
Include proper Date header in email notifications.
09:52 Changeset [bb0746]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Nick Lanham <nick@afternight.org>
use os.sep and strip what's already in input box from complete options
04:26 Ticket #1727 (Renaming files and folders has display errors in the "Add Torrent" dialog) updated by magcius
Cc changed
04:26 Ticket #1727 (Renaming files and folders has display errors in the "Add Torrent" dialog) created by magcius
1. Bring up the Add Torrent dialog. 2. Add two torrent files. 3. …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.