

23:02 Ticket #1819 (Cannot open connection manager with clean config) created by Calum
Switched from classic the thinclient but cannot open connection …
22:59 Ticket #1818 (Quit & Shutdown not working when not connected to daemon) created by Calum
22:09 Ticket #1817 (deluge-gtk) created by renato
in the gtk window selecting a torrent and right clicking the mouse to …
22:03 terminal.trace attached to Ticket #1816 by renato
22:03 Ticket #1816 (stats plugin) created by renato
the stats plugin does not display anything on connections or …
22:00 terminal.trace attached to Ticket #1815 by renato
21:59 Ticket #1815 (GTK UI Automatic connect) created by renato
when loading deluge the gtk loads but it does not connect to the …
21:06 Changeset [9fa874]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Pedro Algarvio <ufs@ufsoft.org>
Fix some clean config dir issues. Moved some auth stuff to …
18:42 Changeset [18b27d]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Pedro Algarvio <ufs@ufsoft.org>
Remove a pref regarding auto adding in queue thinking it was from the …
18:34 Ticket #1814 (allow localhost logins without password) closed by s0undt3ch
fixed: Fixed on current master.
18:32 Changeset [f41f6a]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Pedro Algarvio <ufs@ufsoft.org>
Test fixes and #1814 fix. All test were adapted, and some more were …
18:03 Changeset [bb9a85]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Fix trying to load the AutoAdd component as it no longer exists in core
16:31 Ticket #1686 (Alltorrent.py sometimes loading over diffrent mode) updated by nick
Okay, I think I tracked this down. Could you try again on the latest …
16:30 Changeset [6694ac]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Pedro Algarvio <ufs@ufsoft.org>
Merge branch 'master' of deluge-torrent.org:deluge
16:30 Changeset [81d22eb]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Pedro Algarvio <ufs@ufsoft.org>
When parsing the auth file, if an old format is found(with no auth …
16:22 Ticket #1814 (allow localhost logins without password) updated by s0undt3ch
Status, Version, Component changed
This is related to keeping a "backwards" experience for those who run …
16:20 Ticket #1814 (allow localhost logins without password) created by nick
localhost logins should be allowed without a password.
16:09 Changeset [47a9b1]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Nick Lanham <nick@afternight.org>
enforce min/max values for float/int spin inputs
16:09 Changeset [292929]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Nick Lanham <nick@afternight.org>
better handling of keyboard input in int/float spin inputs
16:09 Changeset [cbcf413]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Nick Lanham <nick@afternight.org>
use callbacks for mode switching when stopping alltorrents component. …
16:09 Changeset [4d8b34]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Nick Lanham <nick@afternight.org>
fix column trimming a bit
12:38 Changeset [98a8be]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
avoid having the tests hang due to a failing to connect client!
12:18 Changeset [2e68e0]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Pedro Algarvio <ufs@ufsoft.org>
Remove some leftovers from the old multiuser branch.
12:15 Changeset [e6773d]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Pedro Algarvio <ufs@ufsoft.org>
Merge branch 'master' into multiuser-oldprefs
12:06 Changeset [f56be6]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Pedro Algarvio <ufs@ufsoft.org>
Update ChangeLog.
03:12 Ticket #1209 (Move icons and pixmaps to ui/) updated by Justin Noah
Replying to alderz: > Patch attached. Moves icons and …


21:03 Ticket #1698 (Console - KeyError 'state') closed by nick
fixed: fixed by: 67a4fd4
20:59 Changeset [67a4fd]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Nick Lanham <nick@afternight.org>
fix problem when not showing name,state or queue columns. fix problem …
20:25 Ticket #1698 (Console - KeyError 'state') updated by nick
Owner, Status changed
13:27 Ticket #1686 (Alltorrent.py sometimes loading over diffrent mode) updated by karaken12
Status changed
The other fix has had an effect, but it hasn't fixed this problem. The …
12:36 Ticket #1687 (Help doesn't work in detail view) closed by nick
fixed: fixed by: 897c2f981f783a5fe7a1045cfd77c7d12f15d8b0
12:36 Ticket #1689 (Block-select doesn't work when cursor is above last position) closed by nick
fixed: fixed by: d05352db65122cd2c79e97343cfa8120095fa40f
12:32 Ticket #1637 (deluge-console "pause --help" fails for non latin locale) updated by nick
Status changed
This doesn't happen with the new console code for me, only with the …
12:18 Changeset [e992ac]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Nick Lanham <nick@afternight.org>
ignore key presses that only makes sense when we have a state when we …
12:18 Ticket #1686 (Alltorrent.py sometimes loading over diffrent mode) updated by nick
Status changed
I can't reproduce this. The only way things should go back to the …
12:03 Changeset [d05352]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Nick Lanham <nick@afternight.org>
fix bug for selecting multiple torrents with cursor above last mark …
11:53 Changeset [b1e0dd]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Nick Lanham <nick@afternight.org>
handle files with [ and ] characters in them
10:41 Changeset [897c2f]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Nick Lanham <nick@afternight.org>
Add help to torrent details mode. fixes bug: 1687
09:14 Changeset [91801e]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Pedro Algarvio <ufs@ufsoft.org>
Cleanup debug message new lines.
07:37 Changeset [fa20e49]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Pedro Algarvio <ufs@ufsoft.org>
Fixed 2 bugs regarding torrent ownership change. On the core, the …
00:15 Ticket #1813 (Add DHT, PEX, LSD and trackers peers stats, like in qBittorrent.) updated by Calum
Priority, Component, Description, Milestone changed
00:07 Screenshot.png attached to Ticket #1813 by tapin13
example of screen.
00:06 Ticket #1813 (Add DHT, PEX, LSD and trackers peers stats, like in qBittorrent.) created by tapin13
It's really help sometimes, to understand where from peers coming. I …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.