

19:46 Ticket #1822 (Crash on Settings dialog) closed by s0undt3ch
fixed: Fixed on current master. It was an easy fix.
19:45 Changeset [f6826a]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Pedro Algarvio <ufs@ufsoft.org>
Fix #1822 Only query the core for the known accounts if connected to it.
19:31 Ticket #1824 (False (?) authentication failure message) updated by s0undt3ch
Sorry, s/is now/is not/
19:29 Ticket #1824 (False (?) authentication failure message) updated by s0undt3ch
Status, Keywords, Owner changed
Is this running current master? Also could you re-attach the …
19:27 Ticket #1822 (Crash on Settings dialog) updated by s0undt3ch
Status, Owner changed
Thanks for reporting this. I'll handle this in a few hours.
13:45 Ticket #1826 (Deluge icon and launcher missing) created by shnurapet
I have been using the git master builds and this time the launcher …
13:38 Ticket #1825 (Translations update) created by shnurapet
Please pull the translations from Launchpad so they could be tested. …
13:32 Ticket #1824 (False (?) authentication failure message) updated by shnurapet
Also an empty message "Failed To Authenticate" is shown if clicked …
13:12 Снимок-1.png attached to Ticket #1824 by shnurapet
13:11 Ticket #1824 (False (?) authentication failure message) created by shnurapet
I have two separate daemons in WLAN. When double-clicking on a daemon …
13:05 abrt.log attached to Ticket #1823 by shnurapet
Backtrace generated by ABRT
13:04 Ticket #1823 (Crash caught by ABRT) created by shnurapet
Please see the attached log file for complete info on this crash.
13:01 Ticket #1822 (Crash on Settings dialog) created by shnurapet
06:42 Changeset [dd3f78]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Pedro Algarvio <ufs@ufsoft.org>
More changes related to automatic connections. Auto-connecting on …


23:54 Ticket #1637 (deluge-console "pause --help" fails for non latin locale) updated by Vladimir Berezhnoy
Status changed
[…] commit: 63d0d0c69bbc77f151c2bf38b806895b603e039f
04:28 0001-pixmaps-and-icons-moved-to-ui-all-referenc.patch attached to Ticket #1209 by Justin Noah
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.