

22:39 Ticket #1901 (Update tracker (force reannounce) doesn't work with some trackers) closed by Calum
worksforme: no-one else has reported this nor have I seen any issue and I use it …
22:10 Ticket #1913 (pid file created by deluged in config is non-standard) created by Calum
Currently the pid file deluged.pid created by deluged in config …
18:45 Ticket #1384 ([lt.sess_set.announce_ip] Add option to specify tracker announce_ip) updated by Calum
Priority, Version, Summary, Milestone changed
As discussed in IRC this ticket is for adding libtorrent's …
16:09 Ticket #1454 (memory leak caused by deluge gtk/ui) updated by kalpik
Version, Component changed
Replying to kalpik: > deluged using up ALL memory here …
16:06 Ticket #1454 (memory leak caused by deluge gtk/ui) updated by kalpik
Cc changed
deluged using up ALL memory here too! The situation seems to get worse …
14:06 Ticket #1907 (deluged sometimes not saving torrent state on exit) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
13:57 Ticket #1912 (install fails confusingly if you don't have libtorrent or svn) updated by Calum
Milestone changed


22:38 Ticket #1912 (install fails confusingly if you don't have libtorrent or svn) created by ashirley
the script ./get_libtorrent.sh doesn't cope with not having svn very …
12:50 Ticket #1911 (Can't register to deluge forum) closed by Calum
fixed: I have activated your account
12:49 Ticket #1909 (Miscount Upload) closed by Calum
invalid: I have to agree with cinderblock as my initial thoughts were that the …
06:01 Ticket #1911 (Can't register to deluge forum) created by MichaelBrennan
I've tried several times to register to the forum, but I never get the …
01:25 Ticket #1909 (Miscount Upload) updated by Cameron Tacklind
I'm running the same version (same tracker software too I believe) and …
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