

21:36 Ticket #1384 ([lt.sess_set.announce_ip] Add option to specify tracker announce_ip) updated by OmegaPhil
Pending #1924.
21:36 Ticket #1924 (Twisted error on attempt to connect to deluged with deluge-console) created by OmegaPhil
======================================================== 21:32:03.967 …
14:49 Ticket #1384 ([lt.sess_set.announce_ip] Add option to specify tracker announce_ip) updated by OmegaPhil
Work on the console GUI is now pending #1917's fix going to master.
11:53 Ticket #1907 (deluged sometimes not saving torrent state on exit) updated by Calum
If it does not close properly then it will not save an updated state …
00:47 Ticket #1907 (deluged sometimes not saving torrent state on exit) updated by B2BF
You asked: "How are you exiting Deluge? Is it closing cleanly?" To …


23:40 Ticket #1917 (UnicodeDecodeError with long torrent names) updated by Calum
Summary changed
23:39 Ticket #1917 (UnicodeDecodeError with long torrent names) updated by Calum
Cc changed
I think this is the correct fix for the problem.
23:38 0002-Fix-UnicodeDecodeError-with-long-torrent-names.patch attached to Ticket #1917 by Calum
22:44 Ticket #1914 (Deluge GUI crash on torrent create) updated by andar
You need to type 'bt' after the segfault to print out the backtrace.
22:25 Ticket #1914 (Deluge GUI crash on torrent create) updated by lessy99
22:14 Ticket #1828 (deluge-console cli interface fail with authentification error) updated by Calum
Status, Owner changed
22:13 Ticket #1828 (deluge-console cli interface fail with authentification error) updated by Calum
Priority, Component changed
22:11 0001-Fix-auth-issue-with-args-passed-to-console.patch attached to Ticket #1828 by Calum
22:06 Ticket #1686 (Alltorrent.py sometimes loading over diffrent mode) updated by Calum
Status changed
20:07 Ticket #1384 ([lt.sess_set.announce_ip] Add option to specify tracker announce_ip) updated by OmegaPhil
I have replaced the patch with a revised version. Unfortunately after …
19:53 deluge_announce_ip.patch attached to Ticket #1384 by OmegaPhil
16:26 Ticket #1923 (Add option for Full Allocation (without sparse files)) updated by andar
It's likely that libtorrent will be dropping support for compact …
16:11 Ticket #1384 ([lt.sess_set.announce_ip] Add option to specify tracker announce_ip) updated by andar
You are missing an on_set function in preferencesmanager.py. With out …
13:28 Ticket #1384 ([lt.sess_set.announce_ip] Add option to specify tracker announce_ip) updated by OmegaPhil
Type changed
I have attached a patch to allow Deluge to set the tracker announce IP …
13:09 Ticket #1923 (Add option for Full Allocation (without sparse files)) created by Calum
Discussion and current workaround: …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.