

19:42 Ticket #1931 (No warning when binding to configured listening port fails) updated by andar
Good work. Unfortunately I don't think I'd accept this patch as-is. …
13:06 Ticket #1092 (Add torrents with different hashes but identical files) updated by magwe
I just added a [http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/ticket/1932 new ticket …
12:49 Ticket #1932 (share pieces among torrents) created by magwe
Often the same files are available in multiple torrents and if you …
11:48 Ticket #1914 (Deluge GUI crash on torrent create) closed by Calum
09:10 Ticket #1914 (Deluge GUI crash on torrent create) reopened by kaspy2011
The bug has been reassigned to Deluge --> …


21:16 Ticket #1931 (No warning when binding to configured listening port fails) updated by OmegaPhil
Patch added to intercept this issue when the client connects to the …
21:12 listening_port_warning.patch attached to Ticket #1931 by OmegaPhil
GTKUI warning when listening port not honoured
21:11 Ticket #1931 (No warning when binding to configured listening port fails) created by OmegaPhil
If deluge is configured to bind to a listening port in a fixed range, …
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