

10:49 Ticket #1959 (Allow user selectable GUI language) created by nicaw
Hi, I know it is possible to set it via launch parameter, but …
10:45 Ticket #1955 (Not opening torrent files with non-latin symbols) closed by nicaw
duplicate: Yeap, fixed in 1.3.3
04:10 Ticket #1958 (Memory leak (Windows 7 x64 SP1 Ult. + Deluge 1.3.2)) created by risa2000
When running Deluge for few hours the memory usage goes up and finally …


11:55 0001-Fix-crash-on-non-latin-1-named-column-active-state-c.patch attached to Ticket #1957 by Calum
11:54 Ticket #1957 (Columns don't add resulting in keyerror for non-latin languages) created by Calum
[…] From: …
11:46 Ticket #1956 ([Win32] Errors: "The parameter is incorrect" and "Reached the end of file") updated by Calum
Since there already known issues with the libtorrent supplied with …
09:22 Ticket #1956 ([Win32] Errors: "The parameter is incorrect" and "Reached the end of file") updated by xzilvinas
Replying to cinderblock: > Replying to [ticket:1956
02:54 Ticket #1956 ([Win32] Errors: "The parameter is incorrect" and "Reached the end of file") updated by Cameron Tacklind
I think thePACE just reported to the deluge google group that large …
00:31 Ticket #1956 ([Win32] Errors: "The parameter is incorrect" and "Reached the end of file") updated by Cameron Tacklind
Replying to xzilvinas: > Its bug when your torrent haves …
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