

23:59 Ticket #1967 (config.py IndexError in save(): list index out of range) created by Calum
Forwarded from Launchpad …
15:40 Ticket #1966 (Force Re-Check does nothing) closed by yfyf
fixed: Updating libtorrent to 0.15.8 fixed this, thanks a lot!
15:35 Ticket #1966 (Force Re-Check does nothing) updated by Calum
Can you check you have permission to read the folder where these …
14:59 Ticket #1966 (Force Re-Check does nothing) updated by yfyf
Version changed
03:13 Ticket #1966 (Force Re-Check does nothing) created by yfyf
I am adding several previously downloaded torrents and they are all …


20:34 Ticket #1965 (At the start deluge reports all torrents to the trackers as ...) created by ouid
As the summary says, at the first announce, i.e. at the start, deluge …
17:57 Ticket #1964 (Unhandled UnpicklingError with corrupt state file) created by Calum
Forwarded from launchpad: …
17:38 Ticket #1963 (OSError in makedirs() when config dir is non-existent) created by Calum
Forwarded from Launchpad: …
17:27 Ticket #1961 (Filter for Labels plugin needs 'All' option) updated by Calum
Priority, Summary, Milestone changed
Both the Label and Tracker filter need an 'All' option to reset the …
17:06 Ticket #1920 (Checking Torrent Stops at a Random Percentage on Windows) closed by Calum
duplicate: I recently updated ticket #1956 to better track the libtorrent issues …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.