

22:32 Ticket #1899 (Show an error if disk space runs out) updated by Calum
A discussion with additional points to consider when implementing. …
22:29 Ticket #1827 (Add support for 'Do Not Download' part files) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
> I always lack free space and I've run into problems like this pretty …
21:36 Ticket #1827 (Add support for 'Do Not Download' part files) updated by kneekoo
I must admit the suggested workaround is close to brilliant but it's …
21:18 Ticket #1827 (Add support for 'Do Not Download' part files) updated by ku
Could it be handled a different way? Someone already suggested …
15:00 Ticket #884 (Deluge (libtorrent) leaves UPnP ports open) updated by Calum
Version, Component, Milestone changed
This is not a Deluge bug, please check/report on libtorrent bug …
09:46 Ticket #1974 (Core shouldn't have to know about the clients in advance) updated by jumentous
Cc changed
I've put the branch on github for the patches #1971 #1972 #1973 and …
09:32 0001-Decouple-GUI-selection-from-core.patch attached to Ticket #1974 by jumentous
09:31 Ticket #1974 (Core shouldn't have to know about the clients in advance) created by jumentous
So, #1971, #1972, #1973 are bugs that were discovered in the trying to …
08:55 Ticket #884 (Deluge (libtorrent) leaves UPnP ports open) reopened by kamu
This still remains in 1.3.3. Deluge does not delete the uPnP port …
08:45 Ticket #1973 (Deluge Script does not pass expected arguments to clients.) updated by jumentous
Cc changed
This patch will require the one from #1972 to apply cleanly.
08:44 0001-Standardize-child-option-parsing.patch attached to Ticket #1973 by jumentous
08:44 Ticket #1973 (Deluge Script does not pass expected arguments to clients.) created by jumentous
When using the deluge -u client format you are supposed to be able …
07:24 0001-Removed-ui.UI-class.patch attached to Ticket #1972 by jumentous
07:20 0001-Unified-common-options.patch attached to Ticket #1971 by jumentous
06:35 Ticket #1972 (Useless ui.UI class) updated by jumentous
Cc changed
Note: needs the patch in #1971 to apply cleanly.
06:32 Ticket #1972 (Useless ui.UI class) created by jumentous
Whilst it would appear that the ui.py:UI class used to be intended for …
05:39 Ticket #1971 (Unify Options Handling) updated by jumentous
Cc changed
05:38 Ticket #1971 (Unify Options Handling) created by jumentous
Currently each startup script handles its own options processing, and …


01:09 Ticket #1960 (Web UI statusbar shows total_payload_download for upload) updated by Calum
Status, Owner changed
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.