

19:34 Ticket #1395 (Same rank trackers should all be announced) updated by funnel
MPW seconded
01:26 Ticket #1380 ([Scheduler] web UI Interface) updated by Calum
Applied to 1.3-stable: …
01:00 Changeset [754a5a] by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
Add scheduler plugin page to webui
01:00 Changeset [863fd7] by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
Webui applies changes when OK clicked in Preferences


22:34 Ticket #1354 (Command ui-interface for deluge-web) closed by Calum
duplicate: Dup #1908
15:03 Ticket #1913 (pid file created by deluged in config is non-standard) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
15:01 Ticket #1970 ([Feature Request] Sort by Date Completed) updated by Calum
Component, Milestone changed
This will require changes to both client and core so we cannot include …
14:34 Ticket #1494 (Add "Downloaded" and "Uploaded" columns to torrent view) closed by Calum
fixed: Fix applied in 1.3-stable: …
14:25 Changeset [56f2283] by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
Fix collapsed treeview in Create Torrent dialog
13:29 Ticket #2022 (Deluge segfaults in KDE when using "Ignore global shortcuts") closed by Calum
invalid: Please report to Arch bugtracker, this is not a Deluge bug as …
13:06 Ticket #2022 (Deluge segfaults in KDE when using "Ignore global shortcuts") created by jacobs
Deluge GUI throws a segmentation fault in KDE if another window has …
10:20 Ticket #2021 (Share ratio limit not obeyed for torrents downloaded outside deluge) updated by genia4
Sorry about the wrong line numbers, looked at the 1.3.3 tag. Same bug …
10:18 Ticket #2021 (Share ratio limit not obeyed for torrents downloaded outside deluge) updated by genia4
This seems to be the offending piece of code …
10:09 Ticket #2021 (Share ratio limit not obeyed for torrents downloaded outside deluge) created by genia4
When adding a .torrent file to deluge while having the torrent's …
02:59 Ticket #2015 (Progress Bar display issue with extjs 3.4) updated by Calum
So some further investigation has revealed that the width supplied to …
01:55 Changeset [272d20] by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
Add missing columns to WebUI Added Download,Uploaded,Down Limit, Up …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.