- 19:14 Ticket #2056 (List torrent explicitly in "Remove the selected torrent" message) updated by
Status, Owner, Version, Type, Milestone changed
I am working on a new remove dialog and was considering including … - 18:54 Ticket #2056 (List torrent explicitly in "Remove the selected torrent" message) created by
- Hi. I just tried to remove a torrent and deleted the wrong one (with …
- 23:20 Ticket #2055 (Change encryption UI labels and clickability) created by
- In a …
- 23:02 Ticket #936 (Torrent Search) closed by
- fixed
- 22:51 Ticket #1094 (Create and label keyboard shortcuts for GTK UI) closed by
- fixed: Implemented quite a few common keymaps in …
- 22:46 Ticket #1980 (deluge-web disconnects in file-view) updated by
Status changed
- 22:44 Ticket #185 (Be able to enable/disable DHT per torrent (private flag)) updated by
Milestone changed
Unless libtorrent adds this feature we cannot implement it. - 22:25 Ticket #1888 (100% cpu usage at seeding) closed by
- invalid
- 22:24 Ticket #1466 (Performance warning: Send Buffer Watermark) updated by
Type changed
- 22:22 Ticket #1272 ([Blocklist] Add P2B support to the blocklist plugin) updated by
Type, Summary changed
- 22:20 Ticket #1310 ([Notifications] Add webui prefs page) updated by
Version, Component, Summary changed
- 21:17 Ticket #1951 ('git master' does not load plugins in Ubuntu) closed by
- fixed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/distribute/+bug/938786
- 19:39 Ticket #2053 (Use client-side caching for webui) updated by
Description changed
See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.