

20:46 Ticket #2064 (Crushed window) updated by Calum
Just looked at the code and looks like I put the height request in the …
20:02 Ticket #2064 (Crushed window) updated by Calum
Priority, Status, Type, Owner changed
I used a fixed height as a quick fix to the dialog but forgot there …
18:53 Ticket #2064 (Crushed window) created by toniboni88
in the torrent creation window, the pane that lists the files or …
17:45 Ticket #1858 ([console] Add command 'manage' to show/set per-torrent options) updated by eirikba
Only improvements to the help text in this version (I believe).
17:41 0001-Implement-console-command-for-displaying-and-setting.4.patch attached to Ticket #1858 by eirikba
12:55 Ticket #2063 (Removing extra files) created by Mage
This is a feature I look for a long time since I have several …


14:30 Ticket #1858 ([console] Add command 'manage' to show/set per-torrent options) updated by eirikba
Or even: The torrent-id * (a single asterisk) means "all loaded …
14:29 Ticket #2062 (Screen.add_line.get_line_chunks() discards everything before first ...) updated by eirikba
I think your version will chunk 'some{!text' to [(,'some'), ('{', …
01:18 Ticket #2062 (Screen.add_line.get_line_chunks() discards everything before first ...) updated by Calum
Component, Milestone changed
01:18 Ticket #2062 (Screen.add_line.get_line_chunks() discards everything before first ...) updated by Calum
The change I suggested does work for the case that this bug was opened …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.