

18:25 Ticket #637 (Progress bar for "move storage") updated by s0undt3ch
@gymka2 as Cas stated, nothing can be done because deluge does not …
15:00 Ticket #2072 (wrong share ratio counting) updated by hunterk
torrent size = 2.8GB, yes I've downloaded half of that torrent in …
00:18 Ticket #2072 (wrong share ratio counting) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
What is the size of the torrent and had you already downloaded some of …


21:57 Ticket #2072 (wrong share ratio counting) updated by hunterk
Version, Component changed
Client: 1.3.4 libtorrent:
21:51 Zaznaczenie_014.jpg attached to Ticket #2072 by hunterk
21:51 Zaznaczenie_015.jpg attached to Ticket #2072 by hunterk
21:48 Ticket #2072 (wrong share ratio counting) created by hunterk
Share ratio is being counted incorrectly. For example: I've downloaded …
11:44 Ticket #2059 ([lt.sess_set.tracker_backoff] Add support for libtorrent ...) updated by AlderaaN
Thanks Cas! Would you consider compiling this with a lower value, …
05:54 Ticket #1130 (IPv6 Interfaces support (daemon,webui,gtk)) updated by belgarth
From http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/IPv6 the 2 ipv6 tcp bugs: 5084 …
03:10 Ticket #2065 (Tested - [Console] Crash upon forgetting closing quote) updated by Dan39
here we go :D attached patch
03:09 patch attached to Ticket #2065 by Dan39
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.