- 20:41 Ticket #2082 (validate ip address for interface entry) updated by
- Additional items: * Add inet_aton to is_ip to support Windows: …
- 20:10 Ticket #2073 (Crash when creating torrent in Ubuntu) updated by
- Does not leave any type of error, it closes the program …
- 16:35 Ticket #2040 ([freespace] exceptions.KeyError: 72) updated by
- This seems to be very similar to #1943
- 14:39 Ticket #2073 (Crash when creating torrent in Ubuntu) updated by
Milestone changed
- 14:39 Ticket #2073 (Crash when creating torrent in Ubuntu) updated by
- I'll test it again when I get a chance but do you have an error or …
- 14:32 Ticket #2073 (Crash when creating torrent in Ubuntu) reopened by
- I've 2 pc: - Ubuntu Server 11.04, Deluge 1.3.5, LibTorrent 1.5.9, the …
- 14:22 Ticket #1943 (Session handling breaks AutoAdd plugin) updated by
- This one still exists with 569dd0c58588549188dd44912e3338866c3a6dc2
- 13:52 Changeset [914413] by
- Catch & log KeyError when removing a torrent from the queued torrents …
- 13:19 Ticket #2082 (validate ip address for interface entry) created by
- as per title
- 20:27 Ticket #2081 (sort option not available in web ui) updated by
- Thanks a lot. Indeed that resolved after clearing cookies, where …
- 20:08 Ticket #2080 (sort option not available in web ui) closed by
- invalid
- 20:08 Ticket #2081 (sort option not available in web ui) closed by
- invalid: reset your cookies
- 18:55 Ticket #2081 (sort option not available in web ui) created by
- sort option not available in web ui. click on the column header make …
- 18:48 Ticket #2080 (sort option not available in web ui) created by
- sort option not available in web ui
- 14:26 Ticket #2065 (Tested - [Console] Crash upon forgetting closing quote) updated by
Status, Owner, Milestone changed
- 14:22 Ticket #2065 (Tested - [Console] Crash upon forgetting closing quote) updated by
Summary changed
Tested this patch with 1.3.5 and it works fine. Dan39; could you … - 14:12 Ticket #2073 (Crash when creating torrent in Ubuntu) closed by
- fixed
- 13:09 Changeset [438dff1] by
- Fix formatting in ChangeLog
- 00:30 Ticket #2079 ([Label] Filter by Seed Time) updated by
- You could do this quite easily with a ui client script which you could …
See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.