

23:54 json_api_patch.diff attached to Ticket #2112 by baconseed
Patch to resolve /tmp/ issues
23:54 Ticket #2112 (Tmp Directory for Deluge-Web downloads) created by baconseed
While server.py in ui/web has the correct method of creating a …
16:47 Ticket #2106 (IOCTL sign extension errors) updated by Mark
After installing Deluge in an empty jail, the problem still exists. It …
16:42 Ticket #2106 (IOCTL sign extension errors) updated by Mark
Priority, Cc, Component changed
08:15 Ticket #1880 (Qt UI) updated by Murz
Cc changed
08:15 Ticket #1880 (Qt UI) updated by Murz
A lot of discomfort in deluge-gtk version using in KDE is …
08:11 Ticket #1880 (Qt UI) updated by Murz
This issue will never fixed or may be reopened? In KDE there are only …
01:22 Ticket #2111 (Misleading 'paused' status) created by tilkau
Sometimes, a torrent will have 'paused' status shown, but continue to …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.