

20:12 Ticket #1328 (Migrate Deluge to Python 3) updated by mk.fg
Replying to Cas: > === Gtk === > * python-notify - No > …
20:02 Ticket #1965 (At the start deluge reports all torrents to the trackers as ...) updated by Pikus
Same problem than here http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/ticket/1601 I …
18:37 Ticket #1601 (Reported active torrents during a crash) updated by Pikus
It also reports paused torrents.
16:11 excepts.patch attached to Ticket #2142 by stromberg
16:11 Ticket #2142 (1.3.5 uses try/except incorrectly in two places) created by stromberg
I believe 1.3.5 uses try/except in a way that fails to catch one of …
16:09 excepts.patch attached to Ticket #2141 by stromberg
16:08 Ticket #2141 (1.3.5 uses try/except incorrectly in two places) created by stromberg
I believe 1.3.5 uses try/except in a way that fails to catch one of …
15:27 Ticket #1601 (Reported active torrents during a crash) updated by Pikus
Priority changed
In 1.3.5 on Windows 7 the program reports ALL torrent as active …


15:14 Ticket #2138 (Saving a picture using Snipping Tool for Windows 7 causes Deluge to crash.) closed by WillyWolly
worksforme: I cannot see how this could possibly be related to Deluge; besides, it …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.