

20:08 Ticket #2148 (Gtk2Reactor object has no attribute simulate) updated by Calum
Twisted 11.1
19:06 Ticket #2148 (Gtk2Reactor object has no attribute simulate) updated by andar
What version of Twisted?
18:07 Ticket #2148 (Gtk2Reactor object has no attribute simulate) created by Calum
Seeing the following on Ubuntu 12.04 and it prevents showing the …
11:32 Ticket #2145 ([win32] locales missing from bundled gtk) reopened by Calum
Please do not change ticket status, this isn't fixed so shouldn't be …
11:25 Ticket #2145 ([win32] locales missing from bundled gtk) closed by an1k3y
fixed: Thank you. Let's wait for the next version.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.