

23:17 Ticket #2098 (Modify 'Open Folder' option to highlight the torrent folder/file) updated by Calum
Relevant Upstream Bugs: …
21:15 Ticket #1511 (Swarm Health Based Queue Management) updated by cornim
Cc changed
I'd like to upvote this feature request. I think it is a good idea.
05:25 Ticket #1328 (Migrate Deluge to Python 3) updated by shirish
Cc changed


22:19 Ticket #2157 (Exception when accessing Webui : <type 'exceptions.LookupError'>: ...) closed by Calum
21:56 Ticket #2157 (Exception when accessing Webui : <type 'exceptions.LookupError'>: ...) updated by Elendar
the command apt-get install --reinstall python2.7 removed the …
21:43 Ticket #2157 (Exception when accessing Webui : <type 'exceptions.LookupError'>: ...) updated by Calum
Could you try reinstalling python2.7 because the error is occurring in …
21:00 webui.exception.log attached to Ticket #2157 by Elendar
full log error
21:00 Ticket #2157 (Exception when accessing Webui : <type 'exceptions.LookupError'>: ...) created by Elendar
When I tried to access the webui through the url, I had this …
11:10 Ticket #1127 (ALL torrents become paused with no error) updated by Calum
Component changed
I ran across this qbittorrent bug that seems to be very similar to …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.