

18:32 Ticket #2149 (deluge ignoring proxy settings) updated by arvid
what are the symptoms you see to determine that Deluge ignores proxy …
14:27 Ticket #2184 (Speed optimizations to the torrentview in GTKUI) created by Bro
With many torrents (hundreds), the GTKUI torrent view gets noticeably …
13:53 Changeset [762ad7] by bendikro <bendikro@gmail.com>
Speed optimizations for the torrentview
12:51 Ticket #2183 (torrent still downloating at 100%) closed by Calum
duplicate: A libtorrent issue: …
12:24 deluge.png attached to Ticket #2183 by zero13ro
12:24 Ticket #2183 (torrent still downloating at 100%) created by zero13ro
Hi guys, I still encounter an error that I had in the past Deluge …


01:59 Ticket #2181 ([AutoAdd] option remove with data at ratio) updated by Chase
I don't think autoadd is the right place for this. AutoAdd doesn't do …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.