

22:48 Changeset [a64fe0] by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
Ensure torrent_ids is a list If torrent_ids is created from …
22:12 Ticket #2187 (On 'open folder', select file in Windows Explorer) closed by Calum
duplicate: #2098
21:56 Ticket #2187 (On 'open folder', select file in Windows Explorer) created by Matt H
It would be cool if after one clicked 'open folder' on an item in …
15:47 Ticket #1330 ([Scheduler] Torrents in paused mode after restarting deluge while in ...) updated by Calum
Summary, Milestone changed
15:44 Ticket #1397 (console info command with state filter) updated by Calum
Status, Owner changed
15:43 Ticket #1397 (console info command with state filter) reopened by Calum
I think as this is a minor addition that it quite useful it should …
15:26 Ticket #1217 ([win32] Installer should close Deluge) updated by Calum
Summary, Component, Milestone changed
15:12 Ticket #925 ([win32] Broken i18n) closed by Calum
invalid: I am not sure there is anything here to actually fix as GTK …
14:58 Ticket #1186 (Integrated RSS Plugin) updated by Calum
Priority changed
I think the work that 'bro' has put into Plugins/YaRSS2 covers …
10:14 Ticket #2185 (deluge.ui.client:deregister_event_handler broken) updated by corum
Version changed
09:11 Ticket #2186 (torrent still downloating at 100% feedback) closed by Calum
invalid: 0.13.2 is a completely different libtorrent not the libtorrent …
08:00 Ticket #2186 (torrent still downloating at 100% feedback) created by zero13ro
Hi guys, Please give me feedback regarding the well known issue …
08:00 Ticket #2185 (deluge.ui.client:deregister_event_handler broken) created by corum
Hi, I notice that in deluge.ui.client:deregister_event_handler, the …


19:41 Ticket #1466 (Performance warning: Send Buffer Watermark) updated by ancient
Cc changed
14:20 Ticket #2184 (Speed optimizations to the torrentview in GTKUI) updated by Bro
After profiling some more I found that cell_data_trackericon was …
01:15 Ticket #2149 (deluge ignoring proxy settings) updated by shellsonthefloor
I'm using a socks5 proxy - using ssh -D 8081. I'm using a much simpler …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.