

23:34 Ticket #1965 (At the start deluge reports all torrents to the trackers as ...) updated by esplinter
I also have this bug using deluge 1.3.5 in xubuntu 12.04 x86_64. It …
23:32 Ticket #1965 (At the start deluge reports all torrents to the trackers as ...) updated by esplinter
Cc changed
23:29 Ticket #1601 (Reported active torrents during a crash) updated by esplinter
Cc changed
23:17 Ticket #1601 (Reported active torrents during a crash) updated by esplinter
Hi, I also have this bug using deluge 1.3.5 in xubuntu 12.04 x86_64. …
11:58 Ticket #2199 (After sleep Deluge doesn't accept incoming connections anymore) created by WillyWolly
When I suspend my system (Windows 7 x64), using eigher sleep or …


22:26 Ticket #2198 (one more option to move at ratio) created by Psh
Hi! I would like you to add to the configuration option "Move at ratio …
09:31 0001-move_on_completed.patch attached to Ticket #2197 by DerFlob
09:30 Ticket #2197 (Can't toggle "Move torrent after completion" in new_console) created by DerFlob
Toggling the option "Move torrent after completion" and saving, has no …
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