

23:57 Ticket #2253 (Handle torrent add failures in web UI) created by Calum
This commit needs merging upstream: …
23:43 Changeset [dcd85e] by Chase Sterling <chase.sterling@gmail.com>
Add move complete location to webui add torrent dialog.
17:28 Ticket #2251 (iOS 6 Caching WebUI json POST requests) closed by Torawk
wontfix: If it's fixed in iOS 6.1's Safari then Apple sees it as a bug …
11:43 Ticket #2252 (Handle magnet:// links) closed by Calum
wontfix: This is not possible because the WebUI requires authenticated POST. …
04:09 Ticket #2252 (Handle magnet:// links) created by Mathieu Rochette
I'm not talking about supporting magnet, I know it's already possible. …
01:40 Ticket #2251 (iOS 6 Caching WebUI json POST requests) updated by Calum
I am not sure whether applying this due to a bug in Safari is a good …
00:53 Ticket #2251 (iOS 6 Caching WebUI json POST requests) created by Torawk
It would seem that iOS is caching the requests to the webui's json …


22:15 Ticket #2126 (Display issue in console and gtk with torrent non-ascii chars on FreeBSD) updated by Calum
Summary changed
19:57 Ticket #265 (Add new column "Remaining") updated by Calum
You do not need a separate function in torrent.py just add the …
18:26 Ticket #2250 (Speedup removing multiple torrents from core) updated by andar
You probably shouldn't just remove core.remove_torrent().. Keep it but …
18:03 Ticket #2250 (Speedup removing multiple torrents from core) created by Bro
Each call to core.remove_torrent took about 1 second on my machine. …
17:33 Changeset [ffcfc0]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
Fix mapped_files error in AddTorrentDialog
17:30 Changeset [58e8a0] by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
Fix mapped_files error in AddTorrentDialog
16:23 Ticket #2249 (Multiple SIGINTs to deluged gives ReactorNotRunning: Can't stop ...) created by Bro
13:05 Ticket #1840 (Implement last seen complete [Torrent Status]) reopened by Calum
The code included in master can be refactored as lt 0.16 is now the …
09:56 remaining.diff attached to Ticket #265 by Anderen2
Patch to add a remaining data column
01:21 Ticket #2246 (Speedup set_prioritize_first_last in torrent.py) closed by Chase
fixed: Merged in …
01:20 Changeset [6313ff]2.0.xdevelop by Chase Sterling <chase.sterling@gmail.com>
Improved the speed of set_prioritize_first_last in torrent.py …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.