

23:55 Ticket #1103 (Global "Stop seed at ratio" setting overrides per-torrent disabling of ...) closed by Chase
fixed: This was fixed quite a while ago. …
23:36 Ticket #2089 (my seedbox is not working with deluge) closed by Calum
invalid: Questions without a specific bug should be made in the forum.
23:32 Ticket #2258 (RuntimeError when emiting event) updated by Chase
Yeah, that will work, it'll create an extra list in python 2 though, …
23:31 Ticket #1103 (Global "Stop seed at ratio" setting overrides per-torrent disabling of ...) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
23:26 Ticket #2243 (parse hostname) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
23:26 Ticket #2242 (Missing word on torrent complete notification) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
23:25 Ticket #2137 (Add announce_ip support) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
23:24 Ticket #2222 (Limiting upload stops download.) closed by Calum
22:14 Ticket #2007 (UnicodeDecodeError when logging to file) closed by Bro
fixed: Fixed in …
21:26 Changeset [08d7b9] by Chase Sterling <chase.sterling@gmail.com>
Fix issue with downloaded torrent temp files on windows which had …
21:06 Ticket #2258 (RuntimeError when emiting event) updated by andar
I guess what I meant to say was copy .keys(), ie, …
20:40 Ticket #2258 (RuntimeError when emiting event) updated by Chase
We certainly don't need six, and if it was only this one spot I'd …
20:22 Ticket #2258 (RuntimeError when emiting event) updated by andar
Are you sure we need six? Can't we just change it to iterate over the …
19:32 Ticket #2258 (RuntimeError when emiting event) updated by Chase
I'd skip the list() in 1.3, as dict.items() already returns a list on …
17:59 Ticket #2260 (Deluge doesn't stay in the same workspace when magnet link is clicked ...) created by Ubuntu Launchpad
Forwarded from …
17:53 Ticket #2258 (RuntimeError when emiting event) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
So we apply gazpachoking's …
17:50 Ticket #2245 (OSX Packaging) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
17:50 Ticket #2259 (Small (but significant) speed optimizations to the torrentview in GTKUI) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
15:53 Ticket #2259 (Small (but significant) speed optimizations to the torrentview in GTKUI) created by Bro
The speed optimizations in http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/ticket/2184
15:04 Ticket #2179 ([AutoAdd] Add WebUI plugin page) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
15:04 Ticket #2128 (Move Storage moves wrong torrents.) closed by Calum


02:23 Changeset [763f5d]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
Replace hotspot with cProfile for daemon Added a twisted signal …
00:41 Changeset [4b99a3]2.0.xdevelop by bendikro <bendikro@gmail.com>
Added decode_string on all calls to alert.message()
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.