

07:52 Ticket #2266 (Auto adding of torrents not working) closed by Henri Salo
fixed: After restarting the deluged with logging the torrents are added to …


13:33 Ticket #2267 (Default option in web ui connection manager) closed by Calum
invalid: http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/Faq#HowdoIauto-connecttoaspecificdaemon
13:16 Ticket #2267 (Default option in web ui connection manager) created by _Lemon_
When the web ui starts up it presents the "connection manager" …
12:48 Ticket #2266 (Auto adding of torrents not working) updated by Calum
It works fine for me. Have you enabled logging and checked for any errors?
12:07 Ticket #2266 (Auto adding of torrents not working) updated by Henri Salo
I have torrent file in /home/fgeek/foo.torrent core.conf has: <snip> …
11:55 Ticket #2266 (Auto adding of torrents not working) updated by Calum
Priority, Milestone changed
You have not given any details as to the actual problem.
11:02 Ticket #2266 (Auto adding of torrents not working) created by Henri Salo
After some update (sorry I don't know which. probably the last) auto …
03:38 Ticket #2263 (Feature Request: Show errors in UI) updated by Ratanak
Cc changed
Aside from someone bringing logging to the UI, there is also my Move …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.