

01:49 Ticket #2281 ([PATCH] Add total_wanted_done into status and display in UI) updated by Tydus
Cc changed
My requirement is to calculate how much disk space does the torrent …
01:44 Ticket #2281 ([PATCH] Add total_wanted_done into status and display in UI) updated by Tydus
Well I found a workaround on it, to use total_wanted and progress to …
01:42 0001-Add-total_wanted_done-to-core-and-both-uis.patch attached to Ticket #2281 by Tydus
01:41 Ticket #2281 ([PATCH] Add total_wanted_done into status and display in UI) created by Tydus
I'm writing a plugin for deluge and I wan't to get the on-disk size of …
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