- 19:15 Ticket #1032 (Error-out if downloaded torrent data is suddenly missing) updated by
- Replying to Cas: > Please do not change ticket settings. …
- 13:55 Ticket #2265 (Crash in libtorrent-rasterbar.so.6) closed by
- fixed: Upstream Bug: …
- 01:37 Ticket #1032 (Error-out if downloaded torrent data is suddenly missing) updated by
Type, Milestone changed
Please do not change ticket settings. - 00:52 Ticket #1032 (Error-out if downloaded torrent data is suddenly missing) updated by
Cc, Type, Milestone changed
Is this still being looked into? Rebooting a machine that has a …
- 17:46 Changeset [e183e2]2.0.xdevelop by
- Fix issue with Plugins that add Tab to torrentdetails
- 17:44 Changeset [821f39] by
- Fix issue with Plugins that add Tab to torrentdetails
- 16:59 Ticket #2287 (Deluge suddenly doesn't show torrents anymore in GUI) updated by
Status, Milestone changed
Please re-test with 1.3.6 - 16:58 Ticket #2277 (get_torrent_status ignores plugins - Bug in commit ...) updated by
Milestone changed
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