

16:08 Ticket #2014 (Add option to change data rate units from IEC to SI standard) updated by markovh
I could also really use this feature. Really important for me as …
15:02 Ticket #2291 (Stop seed at ratio not respected with GUI closed) created by michkrol
I'm using Windows 7 (x64), deluge from git/master (commit …


20:34 Extractor-0.2-py2.7.egg attached to Ticket #2290 by Calum
Reverted commit plugin
12:10 Ticket #1911 (Can't register to deluge forum) closed by Calum
fixed: Yep there was a problem sending emails out for the last week but has …
05:44 Ticket #1911 (Can't register to deluge forum) reopened by Ginkss
I'm still waiting for the verification email. As much as I hate …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.