

22:23 Ticket #2290 (AutoExtractor Plugin fails to extract files with periods ( . )) updated by Andareed
Cc changed
I attached a cleaner patch.
22:22 deluge-extractor.patch attached to Ticket #2290 by Andareed
Cleaner extractor fix
22:13 Ticket #2297 (Delude Blocklist plugin ignores proxy settings) updated by ArcFi
Cc changed
22:12 Ticket #2297 (Delude Blocklist plugin ignores proxy settings) created by ArcFi
Delude Blocklist plugin ignores proxy settings. It's especially …
20:19 Ticket #2296 (Deluge blocks tracker by IP filter when tracker's IP address in not in ...) created by ifred
I use pipfilter from Bluetack as blocklist. I tried to download a …
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