

21:28 Ticket #2301 (Can't autoload Cyrillic-named torrents) closed by Calum
duplicate: The user running deluged cannot be set to utf8. See #1983
21:07 Ticket #2301 (Can't autoload Cyrillic-named torrents) updated by Stanislav
14:17 Ticket #2301 (Can't autoload Cyrillic-named torrents) updated by Calum
02:39 Ticket #2301 (Can't autoload Cyrillic-named torrents) updated by Stanislav
Deluged 1.3.6 on Ubuntu Linux 13.04 (UTF-8-based filesystem)
02:38 Ticket #2301 (Can't autoload Cyrillic-named torrents) created by Stanislav
I placed torrent-file named: ТестовыйТоррент.torrent into …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.