

04:24 Ticket #2347 (Add get_orig_files() to get torrent filenames without any renaming) updated by Chris Eby
Also, Torrent._create_status_funcs says "if you add a key here->add it …
04:19 0001-Add-get_orig_files-to-get-filenames-without-any-rena.patch attached to Ticket #2347 by Chris Eby
04:19 Ticket #2347 (Add get_orig_files() to get torrent filenames without any renaming) created by Chris Eby
I'm writing a script that renames some torrents' files. In the event …
00:43 Ticket #2343 (preferences: network: incoming port) updated by lemtargatwing
Sorry forgot the interface. Interface is not set.
00:43 Ticket #2343 (preferences: network: incoming port) updated by lemtargatwing
Port 6881
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