

00:59 Ticket #2373 (Deluge won't start on OS Mavericks) updated by kicker78
1. Open Finder. 2. In the left-hand pane click Applications. 3. Find …


19:04 Ticket #2373 (Deluge won't start on OS Mavericks) updated by hwangsta
I am not sure how to edit the file …
12:24 Ticket #2388 (Can't open a torrent file with an unicode filename directly from browser) closed by Calum
Duplicate: Duplicate: #2093
05:03 Ticket #2373 (Deluge won't start on OS Mavericks) updated by kicker78
Thanks to suprnova32 for putting me on the right track. I managed to …
00:17 Ticket #2388 (Can't open a torrent file with an unicode filename directly from browser) created by odraencoded
Hello, I'm on Windows and I tried to download and open from the …
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