

14:21 Ticket #2392 (Download and Plugins page is Russian if not logged in) updated by tejfel
Better now but still bad. Now it's Dutch.
13:37 Ticket #2392 (Download and Plugins page is Russian if not logged in) updated by Calum
Status, Owner, Milestone changed
Yer there are a few issues after upgrading to Trac 1.0. I will get …
09:48 deluge_russian.png attached to Ticket #2392 by tejfel
09:47 Ticket #2392 (Download and Plugins page is Russian if not logged in) created by tejfel
The Websites header and menu is Russian in the Downloads and Plugins …


09:31 Ticket #2384 (invisible throttling bug?) updated by demian
Hey, after submitting the ticket i resorted to using rtorrent for a …
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