

23:04 Ticket #2403 (size column only shows download size) updated by Calum
Probably simpler to add a total size column but users are not exactly …
23:01 Ticket #2402 ([Notifications] completion notice shows total torrent file count when) updated by Calum
Priority, Summary changed
Could be fixed with either a count of non-zero entries in …
17:06 Ticket #2404 (tray icon status tooltip) updated by philipz
my apologize about forgetting to set the component correctly. i'm …
17:05 Ticket #2402 ([Notifications] completion notice shows total torrent file count when) updated by philipz
17:03 Ticket #2403 (size column only shows download size) updated by philipz
Well most people dont have the details tab open and i personally go to …
16:40 Ticket #2400 (Torrent isn't auto managed yet stops when reaching ratio 1, refuses to ...) updated by OmegaPhil
Auto Managed is off as standard with the queue settings I use. I have …
11:48 Ticket #2402 ([Notifications] completion notice shows total torrent file count when) updated by Calum
We currently have a bug in Trac for image attachments, can you add a …
11:46 Ticket #2403 (size column only shows download size) updated by Calum
The total size is in the Details tab, I am not sure the relevance to …
11:43 Ticket #2404 (tray icon status tooltip) closed by Calum
Invalid: Please stop setting Console component it is not the correct option. …
09:06 Ticket #2400 (Torrent isn't auto managed yet stops when reaching ratio 1, refuses to ...) updated by Calum
Did you check or uncheck auto managed for queue settings in the label …
09:03 Ticket #2404 (tray icon status tooltip) created by philipz
it would be nice to have a a tooltip/popup that appears when i move …
09:01 Ticket #2403 (size column only shows download size) created by philipz
The size column displays the size of the number of files are set to be …
08:59 Ticket #1959 (Allow user selectable GUI language) updated by Calum
Looking good. There seems to be too many setup_translations in …
08:56 deluge-notification.jpg attached to Ticket #2402 by philipz
08:56 Ticket #2402 ([Notifications] completion notice shows total torrent file count when) created by philipz
the notice of completion of downloading a torrent includes the total …
01:59 Ticket #1959 (Allow user selectable GUI language) updated by Bro
Github branch has been updated with better tested and cleaner code. …


20:06 Ticket #2400 (Torrent isn't auto managed yet stops when reaching ratio 1, refuses to ...) updated by OmegaPhil
I have done this, but it makes no difference - I assumed the label …
19:56 Ticket #2400 (Torrent isn't auto managed yet stops when reaching ratio 1, refuses to ...) updated by Calum
19:54 Ticket #2398 (magnet link details downloaded in 'add torrent' dialog) updated by Calum
Description changed
I'll tentatively put for 1.4 but it won't be a priority.
19:53 Ticket #2398 (magnet link details downloaded in 'add torrent' dialog) updated by Calum
Component, Description, Milestone changed
It will require some form of timeout to prevent UI lock. I saw some …
19:47 Ticket #2401 (right-click download limit dialog doesnt show whats set) updated by Calum
Component, Milestone changed
The component is not the console.
02:50 Ticket #2401 (right-click download limit dialog doesnt show whats set) updated by philipz
Version changed
02:50 Ticket #2401 (right-click download limit dialog doesnt show whats set) created by philipz
the maximum download speed dialog that appears after right-clicking on …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.