

21:17 Ticket #2400 (Torrent isn't auto managed yet stops when reaching ratio 1, refuses to ...) updated by OmegaPhil
Finally understand why... torrents have a per-torrent 'Stop seed at …


13:13 Ticket #2407 (Move completed to doesn't move to correct folder) updated by Calum
Status changed
Sounds like the GTK bug: #2169
11:00 Ticket #2006 (Add move storage failed alert) updated by Calum
Status, Owner changed
This is fixed in develop so that the torrent is paused and put into an …
10:47 Changeset [3b79be]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
Flake8'd gtkui/path_combo_chooser
10:10 Ticket #2407 (Move completed to doesn't move to correct folder) created by elditehen
Using windows, installed on Windows Server 2012 Essentials. Running …
01:58 Changeset [a47b1a2]2.0.xdevelop by bendikro <bendikro@gmail.com>
Fixed small bug in path_combo_chooser The delete-text event was …
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