

14:11 Ticket #2440 (Stats send to tracker are reset to 0 on pause and quit) updated by ticker
The Deluge client run on Windows
14:06 Ticket #2440 (Stats send to tracker are reset to 0 on pause and quit) created by ticker
Everytime I pause the torrent or quit and shutdown, the stats reported …
13:25 Ticket #2438 (all torrents for a single tracker give "Error: short read") updated by Calum
Component, Milestone changed
No idea, you should ask on libtorrent mailing list or bug tracker.


10:14 Ticket #2405 (Bump minimum libtorrent version to at least 0.16.12) updated by Luis Omar Alvarez Mures
I agree with this, I had a lot of problems with crashes and trying to …
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