

20:49 Ticket #2470 (deluge-console's parsing of commands is surprising) created by eevee
Since this works: […] I also expected this to work, in the …
13:05 Ticket #2469 ([Win32] Pyopenssl 0.14 missing module) updated by Doadin
From my attempts at building with the new pyopenssl(0.14) i was under …
12:47 Ticket #2466 ([AutoAdd] Error in copy torrent code if inital rename fails) updated by Doadin
"On POSIX platforms, this means that file owner and group are lost as …
12:42 Ticket #2467 (Enabled Plugins list not always showing the correct options for selection) updated by Doadin
Summary changed
12:38 Ticket #2465 (Torrentview showing download rate of another torrent on a paused torrent) updated by Doadin
oops did i have trackerlist written? sorry! And yes ill try not to …
12:33 Ticket #2467 (Enabled Plugins list not always showing the correct options for selection) updated by Doadin
Sorry i honestly didnt even really know what to name this one. Heres …
10:17 Ticket #2464 (Unable to add a tracker in CreateTorrentDialog) updated by Calum
Summary changed
10:16 Ticket #2465 (Torrentview showing download rate of another torrent on a paused torrent) updated by Calum
Summary changed
I am not sure what the title has to do with the issue and commenting …
10:11 Ticket #2467 (Enabled Plugins list not always showing the correct options for selection) updated by Calum
Summary changed
Please use a more descriptive title for tickets, also there is …
10:08 Ticket #2466 ([AutoAdd] Error in copy torrent code if inital rename fails) updated by Calum
Summary changed
Replacing that whole try..except section with shutil.move is the …
10:04 Ticket #2468 ([AutoAdd] Idle CPU usage) closed by Calum
Duplicate: This is covered by existing tickets.
10:03 Ticket #2469 ([Win32] Pyopenssl 0.14 missing module) updated by Calum
Status, Owner, Component changed
This must be a new requirement for Windows. I am not sure what you …
10:02 Ticket #2468 ([AutoAdd] Idle CPU usage) updated by Doadin
hmmm it seem even using standalone and not thin client its actually …
07:49 Ticket #2469 ([Win32] Pyopenssl 0.14 missing module) updated by Doadin
Version, Milestone changed
07:48 Ticket #2469 ([Win32] Pyopenssl 0.14 missing module) created by Doadin
I dont see this one in the build instructions or anything and it runs …
07:00 Ticket #2468 ([AutoAdd] Idle CPU usage) created by Doadin
After while of just being idle deluged.exe uses just a constant …
02:02 Ticket #2466 ([AutoAdd] Error in copy torrent code if inital rename fails) updated by Doadin
Not sure if that will work.
02:01 patch.diff attached to Ticket #2466 by Doadin
patch for the above issue use if approved.
02:00 Ticket #2466 ([AutoAdd] Error in copy torrent code if inital rename fails) updated by Doadin
Type changed
01:43 Ticket #2466 ([AutoAdd] Error in copy torrent code if inital rename fails) updated by Doadin
I think if you add under line 340 "os.remove(filepath)" It will fix …
01:29 Ticket #2466 ([AutoAdd] Error in copy torrent code if inital rename fails) updated by Doadin
Component changed
01:28 Ticket #2466 ([AutoAdd] Error in copy torrent code if inital rename fails) updated by Doadin
It appears the the problem is that the copy torrent option in AutoAdd
00:15 deluge bug.png attached to Ticket #2467 by Doadin
Image of the problem.
00:12 Ticket #2467 (Enabled Plugins list not always showing the correct options for selection) created by Doadin
Under windows 7 sp1 64-bit with the developement branch when adding …
00:04 Ticket #2466 ([AutoAdd] Error in copy torrent code if inital rename fails) created by Doadin
Since the change to the autoadd plugin for watching folders the added …


23:15 Ticket #2465 (Torrentview showing download rate of another torrent on a paused torrent) updated by Doadin
Kinda unrelated but another issue that i havent got a error for but i …
23:04 Ticket #2465 (Torrentview showing download rate of another torrent on a paused torrent) updated by Doadin
If it is unclear i can post a image later.
23:03 Ticket #2465 (Torrentview showing download rate of another torrent on a paused torrent) created by Doadin
Under windows 7 sp1 64-bit with the developement branch some times …
23:00 Ticket #2464 (Unable to add a tracker in CreateTorrentDialog) created by Doadin
Under windows 7 sp1 64-bit with the developement branch when creating …
22:27 Ticket #2463 (AutoAdd) updated by Doadin
Wow, honestly i wasnt really expecting a fix this quick.(Considering …
18:44 Ticket #2463 (AutoAdd) closed by Calum
Fixed: Commit: [48fb321699ef6]
18:42 Changeset [d8a00c]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[Tests] Update ubuntu favicon
18:32 Changeset [48fb32]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
#2463 [AutoAdd] Fix not loading torrents The owner attribute for …
17:40 Ticket #2461 (CreateTorrentDialog) closed by Calum
Fixed: Commit: [2c66f21cc1a2669]
17:39 Ticket #2462 (Edit Trackers Option) closed by Calum
Fixed: Committed: [f1a9e2ae326bdf]
17:29 Changeset [f1a9e2]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
#2462 [GTKUI] Fix clicking Edit Trackers button in Options tab
17:20 Changeset [2c66f21]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
#2461 [GTKUI] Fix createtorrentdialog cell_data_size error
15:26 Ticket #2461 (CreateTorrentDialog) updated by Calum
Needs same change as addtorrentdialog in [8ecc0e11a79d92]
11:21 Ticket #2462 (Edit Trackers Option) updated by Calum
Could be related to my moving the items in tabs around
11:15 Ticket #2463 (AutoAdd) updated by Calum
Makes sense as owner is now in torrent options: [0aed074796a8d5f3]
03:34 Ticket #2463 (AutoAdd) created by Doadin
Under windows 7 sp1 64-bit with the developement branch withe the …
00:25 Ticket #2462 (Edit Trackers Option) created by Doadin
Under windows 7 sp1 64-bit with the developement branch when clicking …
00:22 Ticket #2461 (CreateTorrentDialog) created by Doadin
Under windows 7 sp1 64-bit with the developement branch the create …
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