

19:19 Ticket #2518 (Can't change priority for other torrents too, if a torrent from Magnet ...) updated by B. Roland
The Trac's built-in attachment manager seems to be not working.Here is …
16:51 deluge_1.3.9-no_priority_while_magnet.jpg attached to Ticket #2518 by B. Roland
So it will block the priority for every torrent, not just for itself.
16:19 Ticket #2518 (Can't change priority for other torrents too, if a torrent from Magnet ...) updated by Calum
I don't fully grasp the problem, so a screencast would be a better option.
15:55 Ticket #2518 (Can't change priority for other torrents too, if a torrent from Magnet ...) created by B. Roland
I've just upgraded to 1.3.9, and the first problem I've seen, that …
15:35 Ticket #1879 (Option to add suffix to incomplete files) updated by B. Roland
Cc changed
I'm sorry to see, that the milestone was changed to "Future". Still …
11:50 Ticket #2516 (Incorrect release notes links for 1.3.9 release) closed by Calum
Fixed: Thanks


21:28 Ticket #2517 (Disk space sorter (for lack of a better name)) created by Gregorio Litenstein
I don't really have the required skills to do this but it would be …
21:00 Ticket #2516 (Incorrect release notes links for 1.3.9 release) created by badon
This page contains only a link to release notes for obsolete version …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.