

07:53 Ticket #2529 (1.3.7 "Err No. 2. (...) [Torrent file] not found") closed by Calum
Duplicate: #2093
02:34 Ticket #2529 (1.3.7 "Err No. 2. (...) [Torrent file] not found") created by Garbledina
Attempting to open a new torrent returns an error message stating that …


14:17 Ticket #2406 (Speed up adding multiple torrents) updated by Bro
13:58 Ticket #2250 (Speedup removing multiple torrents from core) updated by Bro
Believe this is ready: https://github.com/deluge-torrent/deluge/pull/14
13:51 Ticket #2293 (Unable to right-click in sidebar in classic mode running webui plugin) updated by Bro
Can't reproduce on stable-1.3 (tag deluge-1.3.9)
01:41 Ticket #2520 (Change queue description for seeding) created by Max
Difference between "Share Ratio Limit" and "Stop seeding when share …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.