

23:29 10k.torrent attached to Ticket #2670 by rmmh
A torrent with 10,000 empty files (for perf testing).
08:15 Ticket #2670 ([GTKUI] Adding torrent with many files is very slow) created by rmmh
Adding a torrent with ~9000 files in one directory is very slow …
02:22 Ticket #604 (Option to recheck downloads once complete) updated by mozreactor
This ancient bug still occurring in Deluge 1.3.10 (win xp x64) I've …
00:00 Ticket #2667 ([win32] Add portable option to NSIS installer) updated by jono
OK, but it doesnt seem like it would hurt to offer zipped files to …


23:17 Ticket #1453 (If binding to specified network adress fails, daemon defaults back to ...) updated by Hiro
Cc changed
23:13 Ticket #1453 (If binding to specified network adress fails, daemon defaults back to ...) updated by Hiro
Replying to Stephen304: > I'm sure many other people also …
15:01 Ticket #2669 (file association not set with two user accounts in win7 64 bit) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
The installer will set the HKCR key but I think this may be …
14:30 Ticket #2669 (file association not set with two user accounts in win7 64 bit) created by Keruskerfuerst
I have Windows 7 SP1 64 Bit installed. One sysadmin account and two …
10:19 Ticket #2668 (Open files via deluge's file window.) updated by Calum
Type changed
I think someone has created a plugin that achieves this, you might …
05:43 Ticket #2668 (Open files via deluge's file window.) created by DavKan
It would be nice to be able to open files from torrents just by double …
02:21 Ticket #1271 (Multi-user extension) updated by mozreactor
Hi all. This is my first post. I moved to Deluge from uTorrent a …
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