

20:43 Ticket #2677 (webui returns 404 error when used with --base) updated by fengshaun
I have attached a *proof of concept* patch. I hope it'll help find a …
20:42 deluge_webui_base.patch attached to Ticket #2677 by fengshaun
temporary fix for --base being ignored by twisted web server
03:21 Ticket #2677 (webui returns 404 error when used with --base) updated by fengshaun
Cc changed
03:20 Ticket #2677 (webui returns 404 error when used with --base) created by fengshaun
I'm trying to use the webui under a subdirectory "/deluge/" instead of …


08:52 Ticket #2176 (Directories tree in the add torrent dialog) updated by runenesheim
Cc changed
08:51 Ticket #2176 (Directories tree in the add torrent dialog) updated by runenesheim
+1 I would love to have this feature!
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.