

06:17 Ticket #2679 (Proxy unable to connect after hours of inactivity) updated by gphreak
I'm experiencing the same issue on OSX 10.10. Is there any additional …
03:55 Ticket #2697 (Can't click most of the GUI) closed by actinogen
Invalid: Nevermind, I think my computer is the problem
00:36 Ticket #2697 (Can't click most of the GUI) created by actinogen
This program is the only program this happens to. When I open deluge …


18:04 deluge_options.png attached to Ticket #2696 by lvm
18:03 Ticket #2696 (incorrect destination folder shown in GTK UI) created by lvm
I have the global destination folder set to '/u/finished' in …
10:18 Ticket #2538 (Unable to use shift-click in Files Tab to select multiple files) updated by Calum
Version changed
Please don't change the version field as it represents the version …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.