

12:35 Ticket #2714 (Windows UI eats mouse events) updated by Calum
I cannot replicate can you provide system information.
12:33 Ticket #2717 (change file priority with deluge-console.exe) closed by Calum
Invalid: Changing file priority can be done via the new deluge console in …


13:39 Ticket #2716 (Add magnet uri support for tr.x tracker) updated by Xuefer
thanks for clarifying this as request. they also accepted the bug …
13:19 Ticket #2716 (Add magnet uri support for tr.x tracker) updated by Calum
Component, Summary, Type, Milestone changed
Using tr.0 is not part of the bittorrent spec: > tr is a tracker …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.