

23:10 Ticket #2454 (Plugin frame work only allows script resources, no CSS or images) updated by amain
A response is appreciated.
23:07 Ticket #2455 ("Not connected" after browser refresh) closed by amain
Invalid: Hmm, should have checked first. Problem seems not to occur in Deluge …
23:02 Ticket #2455 ("Not connected" after browser refresh) updated by amain
Priority changed
Any response would be appreciated. More people report issues when …
22:57 Ticket #2724 (JSON-RPC not forwarding exceptions/errors causing browser to time-out ...) created by amain
ui/web/json_api.py: […] Above code will never send back a JSON-RPC …
01:43 Ticket #2722 ("Use this proxy for all connection types") updated by Meitar M.
Keywords changed
01:41 Ticket #2723 (Support HTTPS proxies) created by Meitar M.
Adding support for HTTPS proxies (in addition to the current SOCKS4, …
01:31 Ticket #2722 ("Use this proxy for all connection types") created by Meitar M.
It would be sweet if a single proxy selection could be used to set the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.