

22:44 Ticket #2562 (TiB instead of GiB for large HD's) updated by Calum
Component, Type, Milestone changed
22:43 Ticket #2563 (Win32 libtorrent version upgrade) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
22:42 Ticket #2564 (GTKUI edit trackers "up" button doesn't update list order) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
22:39 Ticket #2696 (incorrect destination folder shown in GTK UI) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
22:36 Ticket #2715 (WebUI shows favicon incorrectly (large)) updated by Calum
Component, Milestone changed
22:35 Ticket #2738 (Illegal argument to libtorrent set_max_connections) updated by Calum
Component, Milestone changed
22:30 Ticket #2520 (Change queue description for seeding) updated by Calum
Component, Milestone changed
So I decided to rework the whole dialog for 2.0. That is mostly …
22:29 Selection_037.png attached to Ticket #2520 by Calum
Queue Prefs Mockup
22:23 Ticket #2731 (GTK UI: Add Torrent dialog does not appears) closed by Calum
Fixed: Should be fixed in 1.3-stable: [8e3d737ad]
22:18 Changeset [dd764a]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[GTKUI] Remove old and unneeded code * Notifications now handled by …
14:40 Ticket #2760 ([win32] Use winsound instead of pygame for notification sound) created by Calum
Having pygame dependency for just playing sounds seems rather over …


18:43 Changeset [caf35b]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[Packaging] Include WebUI debug files for dev versions * Webui will …
14:02 Changeset [d898ba9]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[WebUI] Refactor server.get_scripts * The directory list is now …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.