

23:09 Ticket #2192 (An option to hide the "Owner" list) closed by Bro
Fixed: Implemented in [6892a00b86]
19:37 Ticket #1395 (Same rank trackers should all be announced) updated by Pavle Dukanac
in libtorrent-0.15 and later, you can set …


19:05 Changeset [6892a00]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[GTKUI] Implement show ownership option in GTKUI
19:05 Changeset [620a4eb]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[Base] Catch and log exceptions raised in component.update
19:05 Changeset [ad7a1e]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[Core] Add ClientDisconnectedEvent
19:05 Changeset [ca1eaa]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[Core] Add TorrentTrackerStatusEvent
19:04 Changeset [431357f]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[Core] [WebUI] Increase RSA key size and improve hashing * …
17:12 Changeset [7eb037]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[GTKUI] Fix import mistake
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.